AIDC Training Courses 2016

by Mar 17, 2016All Articles

AIDC training courses 2016

In 2016 the AIDC will be offering several exciting courses on a range of critical issues. These include the political economy of the climate crisis, the South African economy, feminism, illicit capital flight and transfer pricing. This popular education program will start with:

  • the Political Economy of South Africa within the framework of movement building
  • Climate Change and the transition to Energy Democracy

Each course will consist of 6 sessions

Courses will take place on a Saturday morning from 9 – 12pm.

Political Economy of South Africa Block 1: Austerity… the South African economy and its alternatives:

 Course Description:

South Africa is facing a deepening economic crisis as a result of both the impact of the global economic crisis and because of domestic factors related to unresolved structural constraints. Mass unemployment is the most obvious manifestation of the crisis. Under the pressure of the credit rating agencies and the international financial institutions, the South African government has begun to apply harsher austerity policies. The result will be greater stagnation and the erosion of SA’s industrial base. This course will analyse the structure and nature of the South African economy and discuss possible alternative strategies that can deal with a stagnant economy, mass unemployment and a society with one of the highest levels of income inequality in the world.

 Themes covered:

  1. How to understand society – the role of Political Economy: Capitalism and its current crisis
  2. Nature and structure of the South African economy and an overall analysis of the contemporary South African economy.
  3. The South African economic Crisis within the global economic crisis
  4. Understanding South Africa’s unemployment crisis: scope, nature, causes
  5. Class, Race and Gender and the linkages to poverty and inequality
  6. Towards an alternative economic and industrial strategy


School of Ecology Bolock 1: Transitioning to an Energy Democracy and a low-carbon economy

 Course Description:

Climate change is one of the major crises facing humankind and we need to deal with it urgently if we want to ensure the survival of humanity and other species. At the same time it cannot be understood as a problem removed from the dominant system and the dynamics of capitalist growth. This course will unpack both the science of climate change, as well as the broader political economic context. A vital question that we will be focusing on is what can we do organizationally about this major problem confronting us.

 Themes covered:

  1. Understanding the basics of climate change; concepts and terms
  • unpacking the science
  1. Understanding climate change in the context of capitalism:
  • Conteptualising climate change in the South African economy
  • Unpacking the mineral-energy complex
  1. The crisis of unemployment, with a focus on job creation in the form of climate jobs:
  2. Gender and Climate change
  3. What has been the response of government’s across the world to climate change? What did COP 21 really achieve?
  4. What should our response be?


The starting point for our courses will be the experience, knowledge and understanding of participants themselves. Our aim is to encourage participation, learn from doing, and encourage critical thinking and debating skills.


AIDC Solidarity Centre and library, 129 Rochester Road, Observatory, Cape Town, 7925

Dates for the first block:

9 April 2016

16 Apirl 2016

23 April 2016

7 May 2016

14 May 2016

21 May 2016


Early application: R150 for 6 week course.

Late application: R300 for 6 week course.

There are a few bursaries available for unemployed people and students.

Who Should apply?

Trade unionists, community activists, students and people who wish to contribute to social and environmental justice.

How to apply:

The closing date for applications is 25 March 2016.

Please email applications to

Your application should include the following:

  • Your name, age and organisational experience
  • Which course you are intrested in attending
  • A brief motivation for why you are interested in attending that course.

We will short-list applicants and those that have been shortlisted will be invited to an interview to confirm their participation in the week of 1 April 2016.

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