Mamdani and the Uses of Darfur

posted by G. Pascal Zachary I can’t comment on Mahmood Mamdani without first confessing to my bias. I’m a fan. His Citizen and Subject is a signal book in African studies. He understands the collision of past and present in Africa as well as anyone. He also has a...

Iran’s new rebellion

by Peyman Jafari, Jul 2009Iranians have taken to the streets as the divisions in the ruling class have sharpened into open conflict, writes Peyman Jafari.The fallout from the presidential election on 12 June precipitated the biggest political crisis in Iran since the...
Interview with Nikolas Kozloff

Interview with Nikolas Kozloff

Nikolas Kozloff, journalist and author of Revolution!: South America and the Rise of the New Left. His previous book is Hugo Chávez: Oil, Politics and the Challenge to the U.S. He blogs at JUAN GONZALEZ: Father Bourgeois, we’d like to bring...