Trade unions in the mining sector are in a unique position when it comes to the just transition.
Africa can use Global North’s unilateral departures from trade agreements to support low carbon industrialisation
Africa is among regions contributing least to global warming, but among those most affected by it.
Bangladesh: from despot to neoliberal leader
The Left must reinvent itself, reorganise and unify against all forms of bourgeois domination.
What REALLY happened in Amsterdam
The forensic analysis in this video shows how footage which showed Maccabi supporters attacking others was deliberately distorted to appear to be the opposite.
Venezuela: a ‘civic-military-police’ regime
Interview with Emiliano Terán Mantovani This interview was not easy to put together, as Emiliano has to move with extreme caution in the face of the overwhelming militarisation that the country is experiencing. How would you characterise the Maduro government? Since...
The Amadiba Crisis Committee: Fighting for sustainable development
The Amadiba Crisis Committee’s dedication to protecting their land and promoting development for the economically marginalised majority should serve as a powerful example of community resilience and environmental stewardship.
Burying neoliberalism before climate change buries the whole of humanity (Part 3)
The climate change clock is ticking much faster than science predicted even a decade ago. Few people in the world haven’t already experienced climate change personally.
Technological unemployment is here to stay
The debate about whether or not robots are stealing human jobs is a perennial one.
Can we blame migrants for unemployment?
We need to build international solidarity to fight for better working conditions for all.